Labour without delivery wardHaving visitors to the hospital was amazing. The phone calls from family and friends, the messages too. They kept me sane!My mum and dad and Day's mum visited a couple of times. It was so exciting when you got a visitor or two! Especially when there you knew there was almost nobody that would be able to 'drop by' on their way in from work. It made the trips by boat or plane that people made even more special! On a couple of occasions I was able to venture out with them for lunch, but to be honest I usually put them off because I was so scared. Too scared to leave the safety of the hospital for...
One in, all in!I was awoken by my friendly alarm clock/tea lady at 8am on a Monday morning. The start of my second week in hospital. I was in a new, bigger room, with my very own tele that had pride of place on the wall. It didn't work, but it looked pretty. Day had fought for a bigger room for me. He was staying at the hospital when he came over to stay and we both had black and blue shins from crashing into beds and chairs. I, myself, wasn't cheeky enough to ask, not wanting to make a fuss, but I was so glad he did. He was right, we were hopefully in for the long haul a...
The hospital was crazy, crazy busy. But sometimes, you feel most alone in a crowd. This was the case for me. Even though the maternity base was extremely busy, I was completely by myself. Most women on the base has their babies or we're going to have them soon. I found that my situation didn't really match with anyone else's. The noise. Oh dear lord, the noise! People taking at the top of their voices all day and night, beds and cots being pushed down the hollow corridors, sound ricocheting off every surface, alarms alerting the whole hospital that a someone has tried to take a baby from the ward, forcing the whole hospital into lockdown. 99% of the time this...
Viability. I hate that word. Via-bloody-bility! Makes me want to scream. That's all we had been hoping for for the past 4 weeks, to make this point. The point where if our baby was born the hospital would actually intervene and try to save the baby. That day, that hour, when the clock strikes 12, that suspended moment when everything changes. When your baby will no longer be classed as a 'miscarriage.' There are cases of babies being born earlier that have lived, but in the most part this is the cut off. The legal abortion limit. That sends chills through my spine. That we were on our knees waiting for this day to come, to give our baby a...
I'm sharing Arlo's story with you all, but I've this instalment is a little break from it. Mother's Day. It's just a day. We're a little bit nicer to our mum's, we make that special effort to see the grandmas and nannas. Maybe some afternoon tea, a walk along the beach, climb a mountains, take on the view, smell the flowers of spring, share perfume, flowers, candles, wine. Where we share cards with the special ladies that mean the most to us, it may be a sister, auntie or friend. It's the day where I point blank refuse to cook in my house, where I don't make the cups of tea, where as sometimes I would give in, parched and...