Arlo's Adventure RSS

Where there are heartbeats, there is hope. 

Where there are heartbeats, there is hope. I tried not to google and read things that aren't written by medical professionals, but it's difficult! Extremely difficult! You need that quick fix, something to reassure you that there is hope! Most things I found about Pprom (preterm premature rupture of membranes) were on forums. In pure desperation I posted on a pregnancy and baby forum. A kind lady let me know about a non profit organisation called 'Little Heartbeats.' I sent an email and received one back from within a few hours from a lovely lady called Ciara. Ciara immediately asked for my address to send me a pack. The organisation had the slogan, 'where there are heartbeats, there is hope.'...

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Two perfect little kidneys.

Two perfect little kidneys. We received a letter from Liverpool women's foetal medicine unit, they had made an appointment for us the following Thursday. So I went back to my old routine of lying in the sofa, something that an active person finds increasingly difficult, I can tell you!I couldn't just lie around and do nothing the whole time. If I was able to venture out it was somewhere where I didn't have to walk far and I could rest. I remember going to the Point of Ayre with Alfie, Mum, Dad and the dogs. Upon arrival, Dad pulled a sun lounger out of the car so I was able to lie down while Alfie played and the dogs chased...

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Waters, watermelon and waiting.

Waters, watermelon and waiting After leaving the hospital that day we went home and collapsed straight into bed. We both hid away from the world under the covers. And cried. How do you even go about beginning to process this information. Being told it’s unlikely your baby will survive. Along with that, how do you carry on like everything is normal? The answer is because you have to. When you’re a parent you can’t be a sobbing mess, moping round the house. Well, of course you can, and as good as I know it is for your children to see you show your emotions, how are you supposed to display them when you are unable to comprehend them yourself?! No,...

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Pink or Blue...

Boy or girl? Pink or blue? We decided this time to find out the baby’s sex. We hadn’t done with Alfie as we wanted it to be a surprise, but this time we wanted to know. I didn’t want to find out with Alfie, but Day did, so I thought it was only fair that he got to find out this time. To be honest it didn’t really matter, they’d be riding a trials bike anyway!!! Alfie went off with nanna and grandad and I’d arranged to meet them for lunch after we had been for our scan when Day went back to work. Sitting outside the scan room we were so excited, talking about the most important detail, boy...

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