About Arlo's Adventure Charity

Registered Isle of Man charity number: 1288

Our charity has two strands.

One is to support Manx residents who require treatment in hospital in the United Kingdom, and their family members. We will do this by meeting the costs of transport and accommodation for such family members to visit them during their stay in hospital. We will also cover the costs of family members participating in leisure activities whilst in the United Kingdom. We will cover these costs where they are not funded by any other body or organisation. 


The other is to support bereaved families by the raising of awareness of the effects of the loss of a child or a pregnancy. We will support the family as a whole, but the focus will be in the siblings of the lost child and by providing emotional and practical support to such families. We also have our book available to support bereaved siblings.


Charity Trustees:

Sarah Owen
Damian Owen
Deidre O'Sullivan
Victoria Christian 

Contact us:

Arlo's Adventure
2 Bollan Way
Glen Vine 
IM4 4 FD
